盐城市卓杰玻璃钢制品有限公司位于素有鱼米、烟花、杂技、玻璃钢水箱之乡的建湖县,东临大海、南傍长江、西彼**世界的京杭大运河。辽阔的苏北大平原四季分明,环境优美,气候宜人。地理位置优越、交通便利、通讯发达。 Yancheng Zhuojie FRP Products Co., Ltd. is located at Jianhu town which is known as the town of fish and rice, fireworks, acrobatics and FRP water tank. It abuts to the sea to its east, Yangtze River to its south and famous Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to its west. Four seasons are distinct in the vast plains of North Jiangsu, a city possesses beautiful environment, pleasant weather, strategic location, convenient transportation and advanced communications. 公司致力于环保事业的发展,引进吸收国内外先进技术,全心研制,具备了完整环保设备生产的能力。依靠科技求发展,不断为客户提供满意的高科技产品..